Monday, December 7, 2009 final project!

So...things didn't go as expected. I did learn how to use the technology, but was unable to publically post my project. I recited "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" by William Wordsworth, downloading the necessary technology as instructed on the LibriVox website. However, when I went to upload my recording it wouldn't provide me with the necessary URL links. So, I emailed to the link at the bottom of the page, as directed, but have not yet received a response. Thus I have proceeded to the best of my abilities. However, on the LibriVox link above there are examples of other poetry readings as well.
Overall I found this new technology difficult to navigate. Many of their links of "how to..." were not updated or provided vague instructions. I had to struggle through most of it by tinkering around with the technology. However, as Professor West has mentioned, this is probably what most of us do when discovering how to operate a new technology. I think that this type of technology would be helpful in the classroom as viewed by my lesson plan ideas on the wiki; however I am not sure how often we ought to utilize it. It's purposes are fairly limited - recording and listening to recordings.