Monday, October 12, 2009

Internet Safety in my Family

So I decided to call my family and discuss with them the importance of internet safety. Some of my siblings have recently created Facebook accounts and my mom expressed with my concern over their naive character. They didn't know what was appropriate and not appropriate to put on their pages - even when they're blocked. I discussed the different concepts we were taught in class (the dos and donts and why not to). Then I had them watch the first clip mentioned in my previous blog. I felt that this clip was extremely powerful in portraying the importance of internet safety. Afterwards, I asked my family if they had any questions and we discussed various things.
Overall, doing this activity has made me truly realize how important it is that we guard ourselves. I would hate for something as viewed in the clips to happen to my family members or anyone I may know.

1 comment:

  1. Great job! One of the things I wasn't able to talk about too much because of lack of time is how we think sites like Facebook are safe because we can block or uninvite some people from joining the network. However, 99% of Facebook users have never even looked at the advanced security settings. I encourage you to explore it and then talk to your family about what you learn. Without adding some advanced Facebook security settings, it's amazing how much information people who aren't your friends can see about you--if they know someone who IS connected to you.
