For this specific assignment I decided to limit the amount of media they interact with - not that they wouldn't enjoy it or learn more, but mostly because I want their studies focused. Through having this focus on verbs in film (in particular "The Little Mermaid") students will be able to see how media and the word choice affects the feel of the movie. Then they will apply what they learned to their own writing.
Now, I know when I said "The Little Mermaid", half of you freaked out! Watch out for copyright laws!!!! Don't worry, I am aware and abiding by those regulations :)
Anyhow, as I approached this idea of using a movie as an integral aspect of learning I began to wonder how much effective this would be for students and decided to do a Google search. I didn't really get anything answered or discover some new and phenomenal insight...BUT I though you all might find this site entertaining! It's a website that has letters from parents with their concerns regarding specific media content in the classroom and the responses of justification they have received. I thought it was interesting and fun - go ahead, take a look!